Friday 19 June 2015

Heaven or Hell

He lay there, thinking
About life after death
“Hell” he thought
‘Cause he had done some unforgivable things
He would be carved by screaming souls
Until he vowed to do sinful things
He would walk into the fiery pit
And become what he is not
At least the suffering would stop
Or so he would think
He would cry bitterly and quietly
For he would not know, what he would become

“Heaven, maybe.”
A place where he would get a second chance
He would live a different life
He would become a better man
And when he is one of the best
He will be sent back down
To live life all over again
But not remembering his previous life
Will make the same mistakes
And life will never end
He still lay there thinking
As he took his final breath
And ceased to exist.