Sunday 20 March 2016


Every step she took
It was fear

For what if she woke up
To hear that he had killed himself
While she lay dreaming her silly dreams

Every breath she breathed
It was fear

For what if she woke up
To find her roommate
Unexpectedly dead

Every corner she turned
It was fear

For what if she woke up
To learn that
They had all just dropped dead

Every step she took
Every breath she breathed
Every corner she turned

It was death.

Friday 4 March 2016

She searched and searched

She searched and searched for it everywhere
Deep into the woods
She walked
But it wasn't there

She searched and searched for it everywhere
Through the hot summers
Through the cold winters
But it wasn't there

She searched and searched for it everywhere
"Have you seen love?"
She asked the strangers
But it wasn't there

She searched and searched for it everywhere
In the garden she looked
And found something alike in there
It was feeding the ducks; her temporary happiness

For love lay in only her heart