Friday 11 March 2011

Bagroo and the Cloth

Many years ago in the village of the Tota-Vota there lived a boy called Bagroo. There were no carry bags back then so they used to use a plain cloth, to carry things.One day Bagroo decided to go for a walk in the forest. His mother told him to pick some berries on his way back, so he grabbed a cloth and set off.
While he was walking he sang Bika-Nika, one of his favourite songs. He suddenly spotted a looberry bush so he bent down on his knees and he started plucking them but when he stood up he found himself in an entirely different place.He wandered there for about an hour or so until he met a pixie named Twinkle. Soon they became good friends.
Twinkle said,” I saw you plucking the berries from my magical mirror and called you here because they are queen Lora’s favourite berries and she gets furious if anyone touches them”.
So Bagroo went to the queen and gave her the berries himself and as a gift she gave him a wand, a spell book and she magically transformed the cloth into a carry-container.
Soon he returned with some other berries for his mother and with the aid of the wandand spell book he transformed many lengths of cloth into carry- container.
Many years later, Bagroo died and in his remembrance we now call the carry-containers ,carry bags.


  1. Good! Nice to read your blog. Feed us regularily.
    Hema Naik

  2. superb imagination! keep writing! :)

  3. Ruch tuji kani ruchik lagli. Keep it up dear.
    Sangeeta & Kabir

  4. Superliked...Keep it up dear....
